
I'm using Ant to build a custom jar library, which then I'm using in Maven as dependency.


So, basically what I do now is:

1) run ant to build custom library (test-lib-1.0.0.jar)
2) run: mvn compile, to compile my project using custom library among others.

Is there an option for me to do all this (packaing custom jar & compiling project) from Maven? I've found maven run plugin, and here are my settings:

            <phase>?????what to put here?????/phase>
                    <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml">
                        <target name="prepare-test-lib" />

But, when running: mvn compile it complains about missing artifact: test-lib-1.0.0.jar. I've used compile, generate-resouces,... in <phase/> tag, but nothing seems to work.

Is it possible to solve this somehow using this plugin?


1 Answers


When using the Maven Antrun Plugin, Maven tries to resolve the dependencies to build ClassPaths for the AntRun invocation and you thus face a chicken and egg problem : you can't declare a dependency that will be created during AntRun execution that requires this dependency to run. This can't work.

My recommendation would be to mavenize your test-lib, to include it in your project build and to declare a regular dependency on it. In other words, what I mean is moving from Ant to Maven to build your test-lib and setting up a multi-modules project. To illustrate things more "visually", something like this:

|-- my-module
|   |-- src
|   |   `-- main
|   |       `-- java
|   `-- pom.xml
|-- test-lib
|   |-- src
|   |   `-- main
|   |       `-- java
|   `-- pom.xml
`-- pom.xml

Where my-project/pom.xml is an aggregating pom with a <packaging>pom</packaging> and list the modules under a <modules> element:


And where my-module/pom.xml declares a dependency on the test-lib artifact:


I'm just giving a very high-level overview here, you need to read the documentation a bit for the details, I can't cover everything. Start with the first book from Sonatype (link below).

But that would be the right way to go (and you should just not (ab)use system scoped dependencies).
