As many people mentioned before, this doesn't work using an AJAX call. However, there's a way around it. Using the input element, you can select your file.
The file selected (.json) need to have this structure:
{"key": "value"},
{"key2": "value2"},
{"keyn": "valuen"},
<input type="file" id="get_the_file">
Then you can read the file using JS with FileReader():
document.getElementById("get_the_file").addEventListener("change", function() {
var file_to_read = document.getElementById("get_the_file").files[0];
var fileread = new FileReader();
fileread.onload = function(e) {
var content =;
// console.log(content);
var intern = JSON.parse(content); // Array of Objects.
console.log(intern); // You can index every object