I've been trying to solve the following problem for a while now, but can't seem to find the right solution.
Lets say there is a function test(X,Y,Z) such that X is a single pair of numbers, Y is a list of pairs, and Z is the resulting list of transitive pairs.
For example:
test((1,5), [(7,3),(5,2),(5,9)], Z).
Z = [(1,2),(1,9)]
(because of transitivity 1->5->2 and 1->5->9)
So far I've managed to create the following code:
test(_,[],_):- false.
test((X1,X2),[_|YT],Result) :- test((X1,X2),YT,Result).
It returns each individual result pair like so:
Z = (1, 2) ;
Z = (1, 9) ;
But I can't seem to return them all into a single list like in the example above:
Z = [(1,2),(1,9)]
Any help would be greatly appreciated.