
Is there a way in Ext.js ext-4.2.1, to left-align two buttons in an Ext.MessageBox?

Starting with (which works):

Ext.MessageBox.show({ title:'AA', 
    msg: 'BB',
    prompt: true,
    buttonText: {ok:'Proceed', cancel:'STET'},
    fn: function (btn, groupName) {...}

The documentation of "buttons:" is clearly wrong and does not display buttons, at "ok:'Foo..." (below).

Can "buttons" be used to specify id, name, and other properties of several buttons, and if so, what is a working example?

" buttons Object/Boolean A button config object (e.g., Ext.MessageBox.OKCANCEL or {ok:'Foo', cancel:'Bar'}), "

source: http://dev.sencha.com/playpen/docs/output/Ext.MessageBox.html

This documentation has a better explanation of buttons.sherb

1 Answers


You could achieve what you want by adding custom buttons to the dialog:

Ext.MessageBox.show({ title:'AA', 
   msg: 'BB',
   prompt: true,
   fn: function (btn, groupName) {console.log("fn called");}
}).add([{xtype: 'button', text: 'button1'}, {xtype: 'button', text: 'button2'}]);

From there, you can do whatever you want to the buttons. I've omitted the handlers in this example, but this should give you a starting place.