
I am getting the max amount per group, and I want to get the sum of all the max values but crystal report won't Summarize it. Crystal Report states the Field cannot be summarize?

How can it be done?

Your question is a little confusing. The title says "Adding Max Value per Group in a Group header section", which you state you have already done. So where exactly do you want the sum of the max to be displayed?campagnolo_1

1 Answers


it's possible, but it's a bit tricky, or at least my solution to the problem is. You have to create 2 formula fieds the first is MaxValue and its formula should be something like this:

Shared NumberVar SharedMax;
SharedMax := SharedMax + maximum(AmountField, GroupingField);

Put this field in the group footer and suppress it

then you create a second formula field called TotalMax and the code is

Shared numberVar SharedMax;

Put this in the report footer and you'll have the total of all max value of each group