I have have a problem I am hoping someone will be able to help with...
On my application I require the facility to be able to drag and drop images between multiple canvases.
There are a few pre-made examples of dragging and dropping between multiple canvases avaliable online, and I have found the perfect example for my needs courtesy of 'Richard Heyes' of RGraph which you can see here (NOTE: you must click the image before you can start dragging it).
As you can see, on his website this drag and drop feature works perfectly, however when I transfer the javascript, html and css to my application the ability to drag and drop the image does not work.
What I am doing:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>
<style type="text/css">
canvas {
border: 1px solid #808080;
<canvas style="float: left" height="125" width="400" id="cvs1">[No canvas support]</canvas>
<canvas style="float: left; margin-left: 100px" height="125" width="400" id="cvs2">[No canvas support]</canvas>
window.onload = function ()
var canvas1 = document.getElementById("cvs1");
var canvas2 = document.getElementById("cvs2");
var context1 = canvas1.getContext('2d');
var context2 = canvas2.getContext('2d');
var imageXY = {x: 5, y: 5};
* This draws the image to the canvas
function Draw ()
//Clear both canvas first
canvas1.width = canvas1.width
canvas2.width = canvas2.width
//Draw a red rectangle around the image
if (state && state.dragging) {
state.canvas.getContext('2d').strokeStyle = 'red';
state.canvas.getContext('2d').strokeRect(imageXY.x - 2.5,
imageXY.y - 2.5,
state.image.width + 5,
state.image.height + 5);
// Now draw the image
state.canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(state.image, imageXY.x, imageXY.y);
canvas2.onclick =
canvas1.onclick = function (e)
if (state && state.dragging) {
state.dragging = false;
var mouseXY = RGraph.getMouseXY(e);
state.canvas = e.target;
if ( mouseXY[0] > imageXY.x
&& mouseXY[0] < (imageXY.x + state.image.width)
&& mouseXY[1] > imageXY.y
&& mouseXY[1] < (imageXY.y + state.image.height)) {
state.dragging = true;
state.originalMouseX = mouseXY[0];
state.originalMouseY = mouseXY[1];
state.offsetX = mouseXY[0] - imageXY.x;
state.offsetY = mouseXY[1] - imageXY.y;
canvas1.onmousemove =
canvas2.onmousemove = function (e)
if (state.dragging) {
state.canvas = e.target;
var mouseXY = RGraph.getMouseXY(e);
// Work how far the mouse has moved since the mousedon event was triggered
var diffX = mouseXY[0] - state.originalMouseX;
var diffY = mouseXY[1] - state.originalMouseY;
imageXY.x = state.originalMouseX + diffX - state.offsetX;
imageXY.y = state.originalMouseY + diffY - state.offsetY;
* Load the image on canvas1 initially and set the state up with some defaults
state = {}
state.dragging = false;
state.canvas = document.getElementById("cvs1");
state.image = new Image();
state.image.src = 'http://www.rgraph.net/images/logo.png';
state.offsetX = 0;
state.offsetY = 0;
state.image.onload = function ()
http://www.rgraph.net/blog/2013/january/an-example-of-html5-canvas-drag-n-drop.html -->
I have created the same thing on this JSFiddle but the dragging and dropping still does not work.
I am new to html5 and javascript so I am sure it must be something very simple I am overlooking, but I cannot work out what it is.
Your help with this would be much appreciated, thank you very much.