The question is a bit unclear, but I think that you would like to find the pose of the right camera with respect to the part. If this is the case, the easiest way to proceed is as follows:
Note that the order of the factors matters. This expression simply says that to go from the right camera to the part, you can first go from the right camera to the left one, and then from there to the part. Again, the rotation part of this transformation is in the top 3 rows and 3 columns of Q_pr, and the translation vector from the right camera to the part is in the 4th column.
Note that your calibration procedure may have given you Q_rl, rather than Q_lr. If this is the case, you just invert it. The inverse is very easy to compute:
R_lr = transpose(R_rl)
t_lr = -(R_lr * t_rl)
Likewise, you'll invert Q_lp if that's what your solvePnP produced, rather than Q_pl.