I'm using Scala, Play Framework 2.1.x, and reactivemongo driver.
I have an api call :
def getStuff(userId: String) = Action(implicit request => {
Async {
UserDao().getStuffOf(userId = userId).toList() map {
stuffLst => Ok(stuffLst)
It works fine 99% of the time but it may fail sometimes (doesn't matter why, that's not the issue).
I wanted to recover in a case of an error so i added:
recover { case _ => BadRequest("")}
But this does not recover me from errors.
I tried the same concept on the scala console and it worked:
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
var f = future { throw new Exception("") } map {_ => 2} recover { case _ => 1}
Await.result(f, 1 nanos)
This returns 1 as expected.
I currently wrapped the Async with:
Async {...}
} catch {
case _ => BadRequest("")
And this catches the errors.
I went over some Scala's Future docs on the net and I'm baffled why recover did not work for me.
Does anyone know why? What do I miss to sort it out?