Your save
method should probably return something different than just User
, to indicate the possibility of failure. If the only exception that will be thrown is by unique key, and you really only care about success or failure (and not the type of failure), one way to go would be to return Option[User]
You could use a simple try/catch
block, mapping successful saves to Some[User]
and PSQLException
to None
def save(user: User)(implicit session: Session): Option[User] = {
try {
val newId = (users returning += user
Some(user.copy(id = newId))
} catch {
case PSQLException => None
Personally not the way I'd go, as try/catch
isn't really idiomatic Scala, and your error type is discarded. The next option is to use scala.util.Try
def save(user: User)(implicit session: Session): Try[User] = Try {
val newId = (users returning += user
user.copy(id = newId)
The code here is simpler. If the body of Try
is successful, then save
will return Success[User]
, and if not it will return the exception wrapped in Failure
. This will allow you to do many things with Try
You could pattern match:
save(user) match {
case Success(user) => Ok(user)
case Failure(t: PSQLException) if(e.getSQLState == "23505") => InternalServerError("Some sort of unique key violation..")
case Failure(t: PSQLException) => InternalServerError("Some sort of psql error..")
case Failure(_) => InternalServerError("Something else happened.. it was bad..")
You could use it like Option
save(user) map { user =>
} getOrElse {
InternalServerError("Something terrible happened..")
You can compose many together at once, and stop on the first failure:
(for {
u1 <- save(user1)
u2 <- save(user2)
u3 <- save(user3)
} yield {
(u1, u2, u3)
}) match {
case Success((u1, u2, u3)) => Ok(...)
case Failure(...) => ...