
If I create an azure website let's assume: myname.azurewebsites.net, I can access this by using http (http://myname.azurewebsites.net) or https (https://myname.azurewebsites.net).

What does this mean? Did I understood it right that basically I don't need an SSL certificate as it has one by default?

I need to build a web service that needs to use SSL. Therefore do I need to buy an ssl certificate and custom domain (not important)? I don't need a custom domain and the default one works fine for me. So can I use my service over SSL provided by Azure: https://myname.azurewebsites.net (is a wildcard certificate)?


1 Answers


If you need to build a web service that needs to use SSL I highly suggest that you use your own domain and your own SSL certificate (buy one) if you are going in production with it. If you just test/play around - than you can safely use the default provided one.

And you are correct about default provided one - you get a (free) SSL for your azure web site as long as it is only bound to the default XXX.azurewebsites.net domain. However the certificate you get there is a wildcard certificate issued to *.azurewebsites.net. I would not use it if I have to go for a production service!

If you are to use SSL features of Azure Web Sites with your own domain and certificate, check out the Pricing and requirement pages. There are important things to note!