
We're building a hosted service where each of our users gets a custom sub domain on our service's domain when they sign up (for example john.myservice.com).

We handled this by adding a wildcard entry in our Azure Website's domain manager (*.myservice.com) and Azure Websites would now correctly handle all sub domains of the domain we added.

However, we also allow our users to map their own custom domains to their sub domain (for example: johnsmith.com points to john.myservice.com).

Right now we've achieved this by adding an A Record to johnsmith.com's DNS pointing to the Azure Websites IP Address, and have added johnsmith.com as an additional domain in Azure Websites' domain manager.

So far, this is working as expected. My question is how many such domains does Azure Websites support? Say we have a million users who each want to map their custom domains to their hosted sub domain.

Does Azure have a hard limit on the number of fully qualified domains that can be mapped to a website?

On a related note, what would be the best way to go about this on a Azure Website. I'm sure there are other approaches apart from the one we are using right now.


2 Answers


Nir Mashkowski (Admin, Microsoft Azure) has stated that the limit is now 500 on the Azure feedback forums.


Azure Websites has a hard limit of 250 custom domains per site.