All maps in this code are mutable maps due to the import statement earlier on in the full code. The nGramGetter.getNGrams(...)
method call returns a Map[String, Int].
def train(files: Array[]): Map[Char, Map[Int, Double]] = {
val scores = Map[Char, Map[Int, Double]]().withDefault( x => Map[Int, Double]().withDefaultValue(0.0))
i <- 1 to 4
nGram <- nGramGetter.getNGrams(files, i).filter( x => (x._1.size == 1 || x._2 > 4) && !hasUnwantedChar(x._1) )
char <- nGram._1
} scores(char)(i) += nGram._2
val nonUnigramTotals = scores.mapValues( x => x.values.reduce(_+_)-x(1) )
val unigramTotals = scores.mapValues( x => x(1) ) x => x._1 -> y => y._1 -> (if(y._1 > 1) y._2/unigramTotals(x._1) else (y._2-nonUnigramTotals(x._1))/unigramTotals(x._1)) ) )
I have replaced the scores(char)(i) += nGram._2
line with a few print statements (printing the keys, values and individual chars in each key) to check the output, and the method call is NOT returning an empty list. The line that prints the size of scores
, however, is printing a zero. I am almost sure I have used exactly this method to populate a frequency map before, but this time, the map always comes out empty. I have changed withDefault
to withDefaultValue
and passed in the result of the current function literal as the argument. I have tried both withDefault
and withDefaultValue
with Map[Int, Double](1->0.0,2->0.0,3->0.0,4->0.0)
. I am a bit of a Scala noob, so maybe I just don't understand something about the language that is causing the problem. Any idea what's wrong?