Is there any way to create mutable map in scala by using variables? I am reading a csv file with source.fromFile("abc.csv").getlines. I want 1st 2 columns of this file to be the key and rest as values. I want to do the same with 2nd file so I can compare these 2 files based on the key and get the difference. eg: file abc.csv is as below: Company,Empid,Name 1,10,Abc 1,11,PQR 2,10,XYZ
I want o/p as Map(110->Abc,111->PQR, 210->XYZ)
I tried to achieve it by:
var keymap = collection.mutable.Map[Int,String]()
val content = Source.fromFile("abc.csv").getLines;
val data = content.drop(1); //to remove header
for (line <-data){
val x = line.substring(0,1).toInt;
val y = line.substring(2,4).toInt;
var key = (x*100) + y;
var value = line.substring(9);
var keymap += (key,value);
But it gives error as - :60: error: type mismatch; found : Int required: (Int, String) keymap += (key,value) ^
Can someone please suggest what I am doing wrong or is there a better way to do this? Thanks!