I have some C++ classes, every one into his own folder with a makefile, test.cpp for testing purpose, etc.
Main folder
|-> Class1 folder
|-> Class2 folder
|-> Class2.1 folder
|-> Class2 folder
I have a main project, that must include these classes. I am trying to include all sub-makefiles into the main makefile.
I have tried with "INCLUDE POO/makefile", but this solution has 2 problems:
- The path of the sub-makefiles is incorrect, so files are not found ("There is not rule to build the target 'Vector3D.cpp'").
- The "test.cpp" file is overrided, probably because of the path problem.("warning: overriding recipe for target ...")
I would like all makefile independent, so I can copy/paste the class folder into a new project and it still working, or I may exec the makefile alone without changes on it.
So the question is: How to include (correctly) a makefile into another makefile?
Example, just for test purpose.
Main makefile (simplified)
include Vector3D/makefile
include Color/makefile
CPP = g++
all: main
main: main.o Vector3D.o Color.o
$(CPP) main.o Vector3D.o Color.o -o main
main.o: main.cpp
$(CPP) -c main.cpp -o main.o $(CXXFLAGS)
Sub-makefile example (simplified)
CPP = g++
all: test
test: Vector3D.o test.o
$(CPP) Vector3D.o test.o -o test
Vector3D/test.o: test.cpp
$(CPP) -c test.cpp -o test.o $(CXXFLAGS)
Vector3D.o: Vector3D.cpp Vector3D.hpp
$(CPP) -c Vector3D.cpp -o Vector3D.o $(CXXFLAGS)
Similar for Color/makefile than Vector3D.