There are a lot of similar answers to my question, but no what I want. My problem is: I render view in backbone router. One screen is build with three views and since rendering is async and I append every view to #content element I cant control the order of rendered elements. Any ideas? I don't want to mix rendering of views in other views. I want to control that in router class.
1 Answers
Without seeing your code you do a couple things. If you wanted to drop in Marionette.js, you could use events to let your router know when it has rendered it.
App = new Marionette.Application(); // somewhere before you initialize your rotuer
// in your router
var viewsToRender = 3;
var view1El = new View({model: someModel}).render().el;
var view2El = new View({model: someModel2}).render().el;
App.vent.on('viewRendered', function() {
viewsToRender -= 1;
if(viewToRender === 0) {
$('#content').append(view1El, view1E2, ...);
// In your views
onRender: function() {
onRender documentation
Or you could move the fetching of your async data outside of your views and into the router(the route I would probably take).