I'm having a very perplexing issue which I've never seen before. I wonder if I'm missing something very obvious.
I have an template like so (which I compile with Underscore):
<a href="#advanced-search" data-toggle="modal">
Advanced search
<div id="advanced-search">
<div class="modal-header">header</div>
<div class="modal-body">
<form id="advanced-search-form">
// This has form elements
<div class="modal-footer">footer</div>
The problem is that whenever I re-render the Backbone View which is using the template, the form element is not rendered! The initial render works fine.
I've tried separating the form element from the advanced-search-form
id by nesting a <div id="advanced-search-form">
within the form element and removing the id from the form element. The result is that the nested div
is rendered while the form
still is not.
I need the form element in order to use serializeArray
, which only works on form elements.
I suppose a workaround would be to write a function which can serialize input elements within any element, but this is not ideal and I would really like to discover why this strange thing is happening.
Thanks for looking!
EDIT: the render code Right now I am not re-rendering based on any collection or model events. I am manually triggering the re-render via a click event on a link in the parent view. The following is the basic structure of my two views (CoffeeScript):
AdvancedSearchView = Backbone.View.extend
template: _.template AdvancedSearchTpl #available via requirejs
render: ->
@$el.html @template()
ParentView = Backbone.View.extend
initialize: ->
_.bindAll @
$('body #refresh').livequery 'click', @refreshAdvancedSearch
render: ->
if !@advancedSearchElem #cache the view to save state
@advancedSearchView = new AdvancedSearchView
@advancedSearchElem = @advancedSearchView.render().el
$('#content').html @advancedSearchElem
refreshAdvancedSearch: ->
@advancedSearchElem = @advancedSearchView.render().el #from here, the template is rendered without the form element
parentView = new ParentView
<% debugger %>
to the start of your template, and using your favorite Browser's debugger, step through the generated template code. – WiredPrairie