I have a problem trying to figure out how to implement a path finding system for a staggered isometric map.
I read the A* algorithm and tried to see how it would manifest on an isometric map and the results brought me here.
So the problem lies here (I'm sorry about the cheap display)
So , I'm currently on the green tile (2,3) and I try to find a path to the red tile (3,1).
Based on A* algorithm I try to calculate the F value of adjacent tiles (I did this only for those 3 tiles).
As the image displays the F value of (2,1) is lower than (2,2) and this is the mother of all problems , the diagonal tiles with j+2 and j-2 will have (almost) every time a lower F value than the "logical" choice.
So instead of going to (2,2) it will go to (2,1).
How can I solve this problem? Can somebody give me some hints on what should I do?