I was playing around with something similar to this, it wasn't finished off for a number of reasons; but basically it would take a matrix of 0 and 1, 0 being the ground and 1 being a wall for a maze generator application in Flash. Since AS3 is similar to JavaScript it wouldn't be difficult to rewrite in JS.
var tileDimension:int = 20;
var levelNum:Array = new Array();
levelNum[0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
levelNum[1] = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
levelNum[2] = [1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1];
levelNum[3] = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1];
levelNum[4] = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1];
levelNum[5] = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
levelNum[6] = [1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1];
levelNum[7] = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
levelNum[8] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
for (var rows:int = 0; rows < levelNum.length; rows++)
for (var cols:int = 0; cols < levelNum[rows].length; cols++)
// set up neighbours
var toprow:int = rows - 1;
var bottomrow:int = rows + 1;
var westN:int = cols - 1;
var eastN:int = cols + 1;
var rightMax = levelNum[rows].length;
var bottomMax = levelNum.length;
var northwestTile = (toprow != -1 && westN != -1) ? levelNum[toprow][westN] : 1;
var northTile = (toprow != -1) ? levelNum[toprow][cols] : 1;
var northeastTile = (toprow != -1 && eastN < rightMax) ? levelNum[toprow][eastN] : 1;
var westTile = (cols != 0) ? levelNum[rows][westN] : 1;
var thistile = levelNum[rows][cols];
var eastTile = (eastN == rightMax) ? 1 : levelNum[rows][eastN];
var southwestTile = (bottomrow != bottomMax && westN != -1) ? levelNum[bottomrow][westN] : 1;
var southTile = (bottomrow != bottomMax) ? levelNum[bottomrow][cols] : 1;
var southeastTile = (bottomrow != bottomMax && eastN < rightMax) ? levelNum[bottomrow][eastN] : 1;
if (thistile == 1)
var w7:Wall7 = new Wall7();
pushTile(w7, cols, rows, 0);
// wall 2 corners
if (northTile === 0 && northeastTile === 0 && eastTile === 1 && southeastTile === 1 && southTile === 1 && southwestTile === 0 && westTile === 0 && northwestTile === 0)
var w21:Wall2 = new Wall2();
pushTile(w21, cols, rows, 270);
else if (northTile === 0 && northeastTile === 0 && eastTile === 0 && southeastTile === 0 && southTile === 1 && southwestTile === 1 && westTile === 1 && northwestTile === 0)
var w22:Wall2 = new Wall2();
pushTile(w22, cols, rows, 0);
else if (northTile === 1 && northeastTile === 0 && eastTile === 0 && southeastTile === 0 && southTile === 0 && southwestTile === 0 && westTile === 1 && northwestTile === 1)
var w23:Wall2 = new Wall2();
pushTile(w23, cols, rows, 90);
else if (northTile === 1 && northeastTile === 1 && eastTile === 1 && southeastTile === 0 && southTile === 0 && southwestTile === 0 && westTile === 0 && northwestTile === 0)
var w24:Wall2 = new Wall2();
pushTile(w24, cols, rows, 180);
// wall 6 corners
else if (northTile === 1 && northeastTile === 1 && eastTile === 1 && southeastTile === 0 && southTile === 1 && southwestTile === 1 && westTile === 1 && northwestTile === 1)
var w61:Wall6 = new Wall6();
pushTile(w61, cols, rows, 0);
else if (northTile === 1 && northeastTile === 1 && eastTile === 1 && southeastTile === 1 && southTile === 1 && southwestTile === 0 && westTile === 1 && northwestTile === 1)
var w62:Wall6 = new Wall6();
pushTile(w62, cols, rows, 90);
else if (northTile === 1 && northeastTile === 1 && eastTile === 1 && southeastTile === 1 && southTile === 1 && southwestTile === 1 && westTile === 1 && northwestTile === 0)
var w63:Wall6 = new Wall6();
pushTile(w63, cols, rows, 180);
else if (northTile === 1 && northeastTile === 0 && eastTile === 1 && southeastTile === 1 && southTile === 1 && southwestTile === 1 && westTile === 1 && northwestTile === 1)
var w64:Wall6 = new Wall6();
pushTile(w64, cols, rows, 270);
// single wall tile
else if (northTile === 0 && northeastTile === 0 && eastTile === 0 && southeastTile === 0 && southTile === 0 && southwestTile === 0 && westTile === 0 && northwestTile === 0)
var w5:Wall5 = new Wall5();
pushTile(w5, cols, rows, 0);
// wall 3 walls
else if (northTile === 0 && eastTile === 1 && southTile === 0 && westTile === 1)
var w3:Wall3 = new Wall3();
pushTile(w3, cols, rows, 0);
else if (northTile === 1 && eastTile === 0 && southTile === 1 && westTile === 0)
var w31:Wall3 = new Wall3();
pushTile(w31, cols, rows, 90);
// wall 4 walls
else if (northTile === 0 && eastTile === 0 && southTile === 1 && westTile === 0)
var w41:Wall4 = new Wall4();
pushTile(w41, cols, rows, 0);
else if (northTile === 1 && eastTile === 0 && southTile === 0 && westTile === 0)
var w42:Wall4 = new Wall4();
pushTile(w42, cols, rows, 180);
else if (northTile === 0 && northeastTile === 0 && eastTile === 1 && southeastTile === 0 && southTile === 0 && southwestTile === 0 && westTile === 0 && northwestTile === 0)
var w43:Wall4 = new Wall4();
pushTile(w43, cols, rows, 270);
else if (northTile === 0 && northeastTile === 0 && eastTile === 0 && southeastTile === 0 && southTile === 0 && southwestTile === 0 && westTile === 1 && northwestTile === 0)
var w44:Wall4 = new Wall4();
pushTile(w44, cols, rows, 90);
// regular wall blocks
else if (northTile === 1 && eastTile === 0 && southTile === 1 && westTile === 1)
var w11:Wall1 = new Wall1();
pushTile(w11, cols, rows, 90);
else if (northTile === 1 && eastTile === 1 && southTile === 1 && westTile === 0)
var w12:Wall1 = new Wall1();
pushTile(w12, cols, rows, 270);
else if (northTile === 0 && eastTile === 1 && southTile === 1 && westTile === 1)
var w13:Wall1 = new Wall1();
pushTile(w13, cols, rows, 0);
else if (northTile === 1 && eastTile === 1 && southTile === 0 && westTile === 1)
var w14:Wall1 = new Wall1();
pushTile(w14, cols, rows, 180);
// debug === // trace('Top Left: ' + northwestTile + ' Top Middle: ' + northTile + ' Top Right: ' + northeastTile + ' Middle Left: ' + westTile + ' This: ' + levelNum[rows][cols] + ' Middle Right: ' + eastTile + ' Bottom Left: ' + southwestTile + ' Bottom Middle: ' + southTile + ' Bottom Right: ' + southeastTile);
function pushTile(til:Object, tx:uint, ty:uint, degrees:uint):void
til.x = tx * tileDimension;
til.y = ty * tileDimension;
if (degrees != 0) tileRotate(til, degrees);
function tileRotate(tile:Object, degrees:uint):void
// http://www.flash-db.com/Board/index.php?topic=18625.0
var midPoint:int = tileDimension/2;
var point:Point=new Point(tile.x+midPoint, tile.y+midPoint);
var m:Matrix=tile.transform.matrix;
m.tx -= point.x;
m.ty -= point.y;
m.rotate (degrees*(Math.PI/180));
m.tx += point.x;
m.ty += point.y;
Basically this checks every tile around it going from left to right, top to bottom and assumes that edge tiles are always 1. I've also taken the liberty of exporting the images as a file to use as a key:

This is incomplete and probably a hacky way to achieve this, but I thought it might be of some benefit.
Edit: Screenshot of the result of that code.