I am trying to access a SSRS report using URL like in Expression ="javascript:void(window.open('http://servername/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fTransaction_All_Reports%2fCustomer_+Payment_Receipt_Report&rs:Command=Render+Name &ReportParameter1=" & Fields!CustTransID.Value & " &rs:Command=Render','_blank' ,'resizeable=1,toolbar=0,status=0,menu=0,top=20,left=20,width=1040,height=1040'))"
When I try to access above Url, I am asked for my network credentials, giving which I get all pages of SSRS report rendered in browser window.
Now I want to display these contents in a popup window inside my webApp. When i try to open it asks credentials,
What i need is it possible to give credentials inside above code block? like my username and password,
I need its directly open w/o asks credenetials
Can anyone help me please ,it save my life...