Given this fairly simple angular wrapper for a JQuery UI button:
angular.module('Sample.controllers', [])
.controller('mainController', ['$scope',
function($scope) {
$scope.jump = function () {alert("jump");};
.directive('jquiwButton', function() {
return {
scope: {},
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var options = {};
if (angular.isDefined(attrs["jquiDisabled"])) {
options.disabled = attrs["jquiDisabled"];
if (angular.isDefined(attrs["jquiIconPrimary"])) {
if (!angular.isDefined(options.icons.primary)) {
options.icons ={};
options.icons.primary = attrs["jquiIconPrimary"];
if (angular.isDefined(attrs["jquiIconSecondary"])) {
if (!angular.isDefined(options.icons.secondary)) {
options.icons ={};
options.icons.secondary = attrs["jquiIconSecondary"];
if (angular.isDefined(attrs["jquiLabel"])) {
options.label = attrs["jquiLabel"];
if (angular.isDefined(attrs["jquiText"])) {
options.text = attrs["jquiText"];
angular.module('Sample', ['Sample.controllers']);
And the markup.
<body ng-controller="mainController">
<button jquiw-button jqui-label="Hello" ng-click="jump()">Hello</button>
and it works fine until I add a scope at which point I lose the ability to use the standard angular bindings to the outer scope. In my case the markup `ng-click='jump()' now won't work because it can't find the method jump which is defined in the outer context and not in the isolate scope. Now I know that I can specifically bind ng-click back to the outer scope but I want to avoid doing that since it requires knowledge of all the possible directives I might need to bind.
So my question is: How do I let other directives work in the outer scope while still having an isolate scope?
Remove line 8: scope: {},
and it ng-click calls the correct function.