I need to create a QML application with pages of items that are defined by a xml file. The xml must be parsed in C++. Each page of items will be a StackView page containing a ListView of the items. Each item on a page has several values defining text, colour, size, etc.
As a start, my DOM model creation is based on the Qt Simple DOM Model Example. The model is wrapped with a QAbstractItemModel. I've exposed the C++ model to QML using the rootContext->setContextProperty. I'm struggling with splitting the data between the StackView pages. I assume that I need to assign the different levels of the hierarchical model(page parent and item children) to different UserRoles in order to filter them to the QML views but I'm struggling to find any suitable examples of how to go about this.
So my question is:
Can you show me an example of assigning UserRoles to a C++ DOM Model and the associated data method for returning the item data by UserRole and hierarchical level?
Am I going in the wrong direction and there's a better way to achieve this?