I would like to implement key handlers for different pages of a StackView. The problem with StackView is that it uses "item" attribute to display a qml page. Therefore, what's declared inside a StackView page (e.g. HomePage.qml), since it is not instantiated explicitly, is not visible to main.qml.
In order to overcome this problem, I am trying to declare a signal at window and place its callback in StackView page (it's dumb, but please suggest what else to do). Here is how it roughly looks:
Window {
id: window
signal keyReceived();
property var key;
StackView {
initialItem: "HomePage.qml"
Page {
id: homePage
// Here "window" is not recognized, since this type of use does not exist?
All in all, I want to be able to declare a global variable that is visible in both main.qml and HomePage.qml, and be able to notified by the changes to that variable. Be it with signals or other things, does not matter. Any help is greatly appreciated.