I am a newbie to Neo4j, I have created two nodes with the below Cypher , how can I create a relationship between them ?
CREATE (Someone { name:'Abhilash',from :'Kerala',knows:'java' }) return someone;
CREATE (Someone { name:'Theo',worked :'WALMART',from:'kUNOOR' });return someone;
The relationship is 'Team: QualityControl'.
Second Question
Also I have seen in some create node queries that are using back tick (`) symbols in code. e.g.
CREATE (_1:`Someone` { `name`:"Abhilash",`from`:"Kerala":,`knows`:"java" })
Whats the difference between the first create statement and the above create statement ? Can we create properties of nodes as
{key:'Values'} or {<back tick> key <back tick>:"Values"}
where < back tick > is `
Am much confused with the different ways of using tick(`) , double Quote ("") ans single quote (') inside the query . Can any one help me to understand the right scenarios of using these characters ?
Update thanks for the clarification . i used the below query to create the relationship , but its not returning any result or creating a relationship between my nodes . this is my statement,
MATCH (a:someone),(b:someone)
WHERE a.name = 'Abhilash' AND b.name = 'Theo'
information as relationships to appropriate location and skill nodes. – Michael Hunger