Simplified question
Can I make Numpy agree with Matlab and Python's round
Matlab 2013a:
>> round(-0.5)
ans =
Python (using a Numpy array, or just a scalar, same result):
>>> import numpy
>>> round(numpy.array(-0.5))
Numpy, the odd one out:
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.round(numpy.array(-0.5))
Is this difference in round platform dependent?
Original question
Matlab comes with a file "handel.mat" containing some audio data:
>> which handel.mat
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matlab\audiovideo\handel.mat
>> load handel
>> soundsc(y) % play the short audio clip
I want to work with this data in Python so I use
[1]. Specifically, I want to scale the audio's values to span the entire range of 16-bit signed integer, i.e., the smallest value of the audio signal gets mapped to -2^15 and the largest one to 2^15-1. I was surprised when doing this in Matlab gave me different results than Python:
>> load handel
>> int16(round(interp1([min(y), max(y)], [-2^15, 2^15-1], y(1:10))))
ans =
-1 %%% <-- Different from Python
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: import as io
In [3]: mat = io.loadmat('handel.mat')
In [4]: np.int16(np.round(np.interp(mat['y'][:10], [mat['y'].min(), mat['y'].max()], [-2.0**15, 2.0**15-1.0])))
array([[ 0], ### <-- Different from Matlab
[ -253],
[ 252],
[ 1560],
[ 772],
[-3074]], dtype=int16)
There are actually 1231 samples (out of 73113 total) where the Python and Matlab differ. I think I'm being careful with my types, but really, there's very little error surface for type bugs to creep in here: loadmat
should infer the types from the MAT file, and int16 can't differ that much between the two systems.
Added The first element of the output of the interp
commands are both -0.5 (printing it to the 100th decimal place in both Python and Matlab confirms this), but rounding in Numpy (np.round
) yields 0, while Matlab rounds it to -1. Is this a matter of Matlab rounding semantics? Furthermore Python's built-in non-Numpy round
for -0.5 gives me -1! Whence this difference between Numpy's and Python's round
functions? And will Python's round
always match Matlab's?
Windows64, Matlab 8.1 (2013a), Python 2.7.4.
of the latter functions; round, interp and int16. I guess it could be a slightly different behavior of the round or interpolation function? – Faultierround
(Matlab vs Numpy vs Python). Suggestions? – Ahmed Fasih