I've been searching the net on how to run a query in Access using VBA & SQL and come up with this. The general idea is that the value selected from the combo box should run a query based on the ID Selected for instance. The user selects a company which has an ID of 5 in the companies table. This then populates the text boxes below with the relevant data. I also have another table with employee data in which has a relationship with the companies tables using the CompanyID as the primary key, if the employees company id = 5 they work for asda in this case. For some reason when running this query i'm receiving an error stating that there may have been an errro evaluating the function
Public Function DataLookup()
Dim CompDetailSQL As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim CompID As String
CompID = Me.lstBoxCompanyName.Value
CompDetailSQL = "SELECT Companies.CompanyID, Companies.CompanyName, Companies.AddressNo, Companies.AddressLine1, Companies.AddressLine2, Companies.AddressLine3, Companies.AddressPostcode, Companies.AddressCounty, Link_Table.FirstName, Link_Table.LastName FROM Companies INNER JOIN Link_Table ON Companies.CompanyID = Link_Table.CompanyID WHERE " = CompID
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(CompDetailSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
Me.lblAddressLine1.Value = rst!Companies.AddressLine1
Me.lblAddressLine2.Value = rst!Companies.AddressLine2
Me.lblAddressLine3.Value = rst!Companies.AddressLine3
Me.lblAddressPostcode.Value = rst!Companies.AddressPostcode
Me.lblAddressCounty.Value = rst!Companies.AddressCounty
Set rst = Nothing
End Function