I have a query that has four fields, TraineeName, TrainerName, TrainingType, TrainingDate.
I want to have TraineeName as row headings, TrainingType
as column headings, and both TrainerName and TrainingDate
as values. Can I do this?
I want to quickly look and see if a certain employee has had training in whatever area, when and by who. Is there a better way to do this? I want to make this a report that can be printed for audits. I have around 60 employees and 20 training types.
Table with Employees... Bob, Bill, Jim, Sandy
Table with Trainers.... Red Cross, Forklifts 'R' Us, Fire Dept
Table with Training.... First Aid, CPR, Forklift Safety, Fire Extinguishers
Table relating the three....
Employee Trainer Training Date
1. Bob, Red Cross, First Aid, 12/5/11
2. Bob, Forklifts 'R' Us, Forklift Safety, 5/18/11
3. Bill, Red Cross, CPR, 12/5/11
Now I want a report that will list all employees down the side, and all training along the top. Then I can quickly see what employees have been trained, when and by who. so each junction between Employee and Training needs two values. I can add Trainers as another column, but then it will make a new line for each employee/trainer combo.
Table Employees has several fields, but most importantly, EmployeeID(pk and autonumber), EmployeeName
Table Trainers is similar, TrainerID (pk and autonumber), TrainerName
Table Training is similar, TrainingID (pk and autonumber), TrainingName
Table TrainingLog has LogEmployeeID, LogTrainerID, LogTrainingID, LogTrainingDate.