
after researching for a while I still cannot find what I'm doing wrong.

I'm using Primefaces 3.5 with Seam. I have a selectOneMenu that is submitting a null value to the method manualServiceRequestController.setService(Service service). This is the .xhtml code:

<p:selectOneMenu id="service" value="#{manualServiceRequestController.service}">
    <f:converter converterId="serviceConverter" />
    <f:selectItems value="#{manualServiceRequestController.allServices}" />
    <p:ajax render="parameterPanel" event="change" process="@parent" partialSubmit="true" />


The problem should be in the converter, so show us the relevant converter code.skuntsel
No, I've debugged converter and it also receives a null string to convert to object.jigarzon
There is another funny thing, if I set required="true" to p:selectOneMenu, the request is never sent to the server. I've also checked logs ( <p:log> ) and nothing unusual appears.jigarzon
Strange enough. What's in the request parameter map then? Did you inspect it?skuntsel
Could you provide an SSCCE for that? Just reduce the problem to its minimum copy'paste'run version and post it.Xtreme Biker

1 Answers


The problem was the attribute partialSubmit="true". I removed it and now the correct value is sent. I still don't understand exactly why.

Thanks skuntsel and Xtreme Biker for your responses.
