I'm fairly new to using primefaces, and have a little doubt (already asked it on the primefaces forum but no reply so far)
Is it possible to get the filter value on a xls dataExporter, more concretely on a postprocessor like method?
I can get the filtered value by declaring the filteredValue on the dataTable. But the filterValue variable isn't working as expected.
I have both declared on my dataTable like this:
When I filter the values, the setter on the Bean class fires only for the filtered value, making the filter value always null.
I ended finding this thread on PrimeFaces concerning this:
The issue was reported on version 3.5 and, as it looks, it was corrected/altered for later versions.. I'm using version 5.3
Think this might be a bug? a regression? or am i just missing a point here and doing something wrong?
Best regards and Thank you!
Miguel Palmeiro