I've drawn a thin line via CGContextAddLineToPoint
and CGContextStrokePath
. I added a red shadow via CGContextSetShadowWithColor
No matter what value I set for the blur, the red shadow was too weak. I would like the red shadow to be much much stronger.
The white line with red shadow is placed on top of an image, not a flat color, so I can't use a flat color to fake it.
Also, the white line can be curved (I use CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint
Playing around with CGContextSetLineWidth
, I found that increasing the width made the red shadow more noticeable. However, the white line was then too thick.
I then tried splitting it the drawing into two parts with the shadow using a larger line width. When I tried drawing just the shadow with [[UIColor clearColor] setStroke]
, the shadow wasn't drawn at all.
I then tried drawing just the shadow with [[UIColor colorWithRed:1 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.1] setStroke]
but having an alpha on the stroke ALSO affects the alpha of the shadow, so the shadow was still too weak.
I tried following iOS Core Graphics: Draw ONLY shadows of a CGPath but I got a weird effect where not only did my shadows not show, but the line was fading from red to black. I wasn't sure what was going on.
Help would be greatly appreciated.