I am having a weird trouble with UIBezierPath where my color and the line width are not being rendered correctly.
I am drawing a series of lines (like a ruler) with major and minor gradations. The major gradations are lines with longer length...
Major Gradation: Color Red & Line Width: 2.0 Minor Gradation: Color Yellow & Line Width: 0.0 (thinnest line according to spec)
override func draw(in ctx: CGContext) {
if let _ = cameraControlSlider {
guard gradationValues.count >= 0 else {
let frame = CGRect(x: insetBy, y: 0, width: bounds.width - insetBy, height: bounds.height)
let startx = Int(frame.origin.x)
let endx = Int(frame.origin.x + frame.width)
let incrementWidth = (endx - startx) / (gradationValuesOnScreen + 1)
var counter = 1
var x = startx + counter * incrementWidth
while x < endx {
var y1 = Int(frame.origin.y)
var y2 = Int(frame.origin.y) + Int(frame.height)
var lineWidth: Float = 2.0
var color = UIColor.red
if counter % majorGradationInterval != 1 {
y1 = Int(frame.origin.y) + Int(frame.height / 4)
y2 = Int(frame.origin.y + frame.height) - Int(frame.height / 4)
lineWidth = 0.0
color = UIColor.yellow
ctx.addPath(drawLine(in: ctx, x1: x, y1: y1, x2: x, y2: y2, color: color, lineWidth: lineWidth))
counter += 1
x = startx + counter * incrementWidth
func drawLine(in ctx: CGContext, x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int, color: UIColor, lineWidth: Float) -> CGPath {
let path = UIBezierPath()
path.lineWidth = CGFloat(lineWidth)
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: x1, y: y1))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: x2, y: y2))
return path.cgPath
Essentially I want the longer lines to be of RED color and thicker line width but the colors look inverted and the line width doesn't seem to have any impact.
As can be seen from the draw function there is no UIColor red which is associated with the smaller line lengths. I have tried setting the stroke color before the path is created but that didn't seem to work.