
I'm using Coovachilli and processing wifi payments via Paypal. When I go through the process with a laptop Paypal loads in a few seconds but when I use mobile(only tested on Android) devices it takes 2 minutes to get to a page with 2 buttons on it about paying via paypal account or credit card. I select paypal and it takes another 3 minutes to get to the page that my laptop reached in one step and a few seconds. I've tried different browsers on the Android tablet and phone but get the same result.

Because I have to allow Paypal through the captive portal for this to work I'm wondering if there is a different url that is required for mobiles devices that I need to allow through.

At the moment I'm allowing

  • *.paypal.com
  • *.paypalobjects.com

The POST I'm sending to Paypal is to https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr and the variables are

  • currency_code
  • cmd value="_xclick
  • business
  • item_name
  • item_number
  • amount
  • custom
  • return
  • notify_url
  • cancel_return

It seems like it's waiting for a component to load and eventually times out and continues. Does anyone know what happens differently between laptops and mobile devices?

If I comment out the item_name the process drops the redirection to the mobile paypal and the payment page loads in a few seconds on mobile devices. So is there a way to disable being redirected to the mobile payment pages?webtron

1 Answers


I have had the pain of Coovachilli redirects...

I found success with mobile.paypal.com yet .paypal.com or paypal.com didnt always work.

I tested using a chrome url user agent changer and sniffer.

I also had an issue with the paypal headers and line breaks, not sure that was mobile related.