
I have to integrate simple paypal into my app. I am using following url as tutorial.

paypal tutorial link

before directing to paypal page I print its url in logs, which is


But when I am redirected to paypal sandbox, the url that i see in my browser is


and I cannot see checkout form that will take credentials from buyer and show details about transaction.

NOTE: I am on localhost at this stage and have not deployed my app

Please help me in this, Thanks.


1 Answers


I think this is due to your return url, which may be improperly set. It seems to be appending a User instance to your ngrok url. Changing the url to something else takes me to: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=GcW-vpSKb2wALSTAyNuU29ltNqKyVjVwIuNy3mqgKDM_Df2abfo9PWP6KXm&dispatch=50a222a57771920b6a3d7b606239e4d529b525e0b7e69bf0224adecfb0124e9b61f737ba21b08198163eee001d8a5bd337af8e5197b2a388 where I was informed that there's a problem with your email