Seems like the answer to how to position components in Sencha Touch / Ext JS, especially with percentage or proportionally is pretty much to use some type of container with a layout type.
This seems like a step backwards to me - similar to what HTML Tables were for web page layouts. Create a containing structure that controls the layout and in each "cell" you have some content.
Specifically, if you have a component that you don't want SIZED based on these rules, only positioned - that is essentially what all the Sencha Touch / Ext JS approaches seem to be.
Layout type hbox, vbox, columns, flex layout, anchor. They all create containers around your components, instead of just directly positioning your components.
Am I missing something integral, or is this really the way it is?
Besides from the obvious problem of over-nesting, it seems like a more complicated approach, and creates a dependency between each component and the other components on the page.
I would like to have a way to say "this component is 30% from the top and 20% from the side", potentially also sizing the components using percentage - but not always.
The percentage / proportion approach is a must if you're developing for multiple devices.