I am trying to build a website for an iphone using sencha touch. I am newbie in sencha and ext.
I would like to have an layout with a header, footer and inner content. It can be understand as masterpage with header & footer which will be used on each page.
Header and footer should be scrollable (not docked!) and I would like to have an animation between pages.
Generally the website will have a home with header, menu and footer. If user clicks some button from menu (i.e. 'ABOUT') the page should slide to the right to 'ABOUT' page. This page will have a header, some content, back button and footer. Header & footer will look the same as on home page.
I've seen many solutions with docked header and footer but I haven't found any which works in the way I want (the problem is that I want header and footer to be scrollable).
I have tried to use a card layout panel nested in vbox panel, I have tried also card layout panel nested in fit layout panel nested in vbox panel (please find below the sample code).
//home, video and contact panels are quite similar to about panel
about = new Ext.Panel({
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
pack: 'start'
items: [
html: ['<div class="pageWrapper"><h1><span>About</span></h1></div>']
] // end items
cardPanel = new Ext.Panel({
layout: 'card',
items: [home, about, video, contact]
cardWrapper = new Ext.Panel({
layout: 'fit',
items: [cardPanel]
var mainPanel = new Ext.Panel({
layout: 'vbox',
scroll: 'vertical',
fullscreen: true,
items: [header, cardWrapper, btnBack, footer]
When I use above code the cardWrapper has height=0 and width=0. I can only see the home page when I set height & width of cardWrapper to some value. I have also tried to set: autoHeight: true For home panel, cardPanel and cardWrapper and had no luck :/
Do you have any other ideas how can I achieve this layout of the website?