I'm using an azure table query to retrieve all error entities assigned to a user. Afther that I change a property of the entity to state that the entity is in processing mode. After I have processed the entity I remove the entity from the table.
When I do parallel tests it can happen that during the query, an entity was already processed and deleted by another thread. So I get the error 404 ResourceNotFound when I want to Replace the entity.
Is there a way to test, if the entity was changed outside of the thread or if it still exists? Is it better to catch error 404 and ignore it or should I query for the entity again (seems all not right for me)?
TableQuery<ErrorObjectTableEntity> query = new TableQuery<ErrorObjectTableEntity>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, user));
List<ErrorObjectTableEntity> queryResult = table.ExecuteQuery(query).OrderBy(x => x.action).ToList();
foreach (ErrorObjectTableEntity entity in queryResult)
entity.inProcess = true;
TableOperation updateOperation = TableOperation.Replace(entity);
//..some logging here
//catch error 404?
//do some action
TableOperation deleteOperation = TableOperation.Delete(entity);