
I have to make a query on an Azure table storage where I have the following setup: RowKey, PartitionKey, ThirdColumn

The RowKey is unique, and the Partitionkey corelates with ThirdColumn, meaning all third columns with the value "Y", will have the partition key "X".

I have to get all entities with partition key X, by using the ThirdColumn value. This will not be performant because Y is neither PartitionKey or RowKey.

Question is: Does it make sense to do a .FirstOrDefault() on the third column, in order to get an entity (any entity), and then do a query using the PartitionKey ? I think it would be better because then it doesn't have to search on different machines for the data.


It will be and also you can think about to make third column as a partion key.Erkan Demirel

2 Answers


Why not make the PartitionKey a combined value of X and Y? Like "MyValueofX_MyValueofY"?

Or if you don't have the value of X when you query, just duplicate the information with a different order, for example:

PK: X RK: Z Column: Y

PK: Y RK: Z Column: X

That way, you can query the record when you have X and when you have Y.

Check Designing a Scalable Partition Strategy.


I think you can look at the articles below:


and try this code to get the first 1 entity:

var query = (from entity in context.CreateQuery<Customer>("Top1Customers")
                 select entity).Take(1);

Then you can write it into a method called First()