I am trying to estimate a simple AR(1) model in R of the form y[t] = alpha + beta * y[t-1] + u[t] with u[t] being normally distributed with mean zero and standard deviation sigma.
I have simulated an AR(1) model with alpha = 10 and beta = 0.1:
First check: OLS yields the following results:
lm(formula = data ~ c(NA, data[1:length(data) - 1]))
(Intercept) c(NA, data[1:length(data) - 1])
10.02253 0.09669
But my goal is to estimate the coefficients with ML. My negative log-likelihood function is:
-sum(log((1/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigma)) * exp(-((data-alpha-beta*c(NA,data[1:length(data)-1]))^2)/(2*sigma^2))))
that is, the sum of all log-single observation normal distributions, that are transformed by u[t] = y[t] - alpha - beta*y[t-1]. The lag has been created (just like in the OLS estimation above) by c(NA,data[1:length(data)-1]).
When I try to put it at work I get the following error:
Error in optim(start, f, method = method, hessian = TRUE, ...) :
L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn'
My log-likelihood function must be correct, when I try to estimate a linear model of the form y[t] = alpha + beta * x[t] + u[t] it works perfectly.
I just do not see how my initial values lead to a non-finite result? Trying any other initial values does not solve the problem.
Any help is highly appreciated!
calls that would identify and load the function. (I also don't see recognition in your code of the fact that lagged variables have NA's.) – IRTFMstats4::mle
, solibrary(stats4)
should do it. At least this is a base package ... – Ben Bolkergrid
and not routinely loaded despite being recommended. – IRTFMlibrary(stats4)
. I haven't looked carefully, but I strongly suspect that the primary issue is theNA
values in the lagged variables -- this would make the MLNA
. Rule #1: always check by evaluating your log-likelihood function at any proposed initial values to make sure the results make sense! – Ben Bolker