
I am working on a loss aversion model in R (beginner) and want to estimate some parameters, from a dataset with 3 columns (loss/gain values (both continous and a column with decisions coded as 0 or 1 (binary)) dropbox.com/s/fpw3obrqcx8ld1q/GrandAverage.RData?dl=0 The part of the code if have to use for this I am using is given below:

set <- GrandAverage[, 5:7];
  Beh.Parameters <- function (lambda, alpha, temp) {
 u = 0.5 * set$Gain^alpha + 0.5 * lambda * set$Loss^alpha
  GambleProbability <- 1 / (1 + exp(-temp * u))

  loglike <- set$Decision*log(GambleProbability) + 
    (1- set$Decision)*log(1-GambleProbability)   


  temp_s <- 0.1 #runif(1, 0.1, 1)

  ML.estim1  <- mle(Beh.Parameters, start = list (lambda = 1, alpha = 1, temp = temp_s), nobs = length(set$Decision))
  ML.estim2  <- mle(Beh.Parameters, start = list(lambda = 0.1, alpha = 0.1,  temp = temp_s), nobs = length(set$Decision))

I use the mle function in order to estimate the 3 parameters (lambda, alpha and temp), without the alpha i receive this output for example:

ML.estim1 Call: mle(minuslogl = Beh.Parameters, start = list(lambda = 1, temp = temp_s), nobs = length(set$Decision)) Coefficients: lambda temp 1.298023 1.041057

When I try to run it without the alpha parameter it works fine but when I include it I received these two errors:

Error in optim(start, f, method = method, hessian = TRUE, ...) : non-finite finite-difference value [2] (for the first MLE) Error in optim(start, f, method = method, hessian = TRUE, ...) : initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite (for the second MLE)

I tried to recode the matrix, singular value decomposition, BFGS etc. Any help is welcome...thanks in advance.

Your dropbox link doesn't workcsgillespie
my bad... and now?Oesj
Fixed (but you should update your question)csgillespie
Where does the mle function come from?csgillespie

1 Answers


Your Loss variable is negative. In R, raising negative values to a fractional power (i.e. set$Loss^alpha where alpha is non-integer) returns NaN values. (The only general alternative is to return a complex-valued answer, which you probably don't want.) Did you mean to code Loss as positive rather than negative? Or maybe you want -abs(set$Loss^alpha) ?

As a general purpose debugging tip, it helps to add


as the second-to-last-line of your objective function so you can better see what's going on.