
I am trying to create a test case result using a REST client, but get this error:

"Errors": ["Cannot parse input stream due to I/O error as JSON document: Parse error: expected '{' but saw '\uFFFF' [ chars read = >>>\uFFFF<<< ]"]

1 Answers


I get the same error when the name of the object, testcaseresult is not specified in the request body. Here are the steps to create a test case result using a browser REST client:

a) Generate the authorize key using "GET" method and the following URL:


This is the response that I get back, with the security token: "123abc..."

{"OperationResult": {"_rallyAPIMajor": "2", "_rallyAPIMinor": "0", "Errors": [], "Warnings": [], "SecurityToken": "abc123..."}}

b) Use "POST" method, and the following URL:


notice the security token in the end.

c) here is an example of a request body:


Only the required fields and the fields you want to set need to be referenced. Notice the outer key/value pair


The fields that point to a full object, like "Tester" (points to User object) and "TestCase" (points to a TestCase object that owns the result) have to be referenced by their ObjectIDs:
