
I have a TreeView control with 2-level hierarchy. If an item of the second level is selected and a user clicks on another item, I need to ask him whether he is sure to move to another item. If his answer is 'no', I need to prevent another TreeViewItem from selection.

I try this way:

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type TreeViewItem}">
        <EventSetter Event="PreviewKeyDown" Handler="TreeViewItem_OnKeyDown" />

private void TreeViewItem_OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    var selectedTreeViewItem = sender as TreeViewItem;
    if (selectedTreeViewItem != null)
        var myData = selectedTreeViewItem.Header as MyData;
        if (myData != null && selectedNode != null)
            if (!selectedNode.DoYouAgreeToMoveToAnotherItem())
                e.Handled = true;
                myData.IsNodeSelected = true;

In a way that works. However, the problem is that I get OnMouseDown event twice: for the first-level item and for the second level item. For example, for this tree: Russia - Moscow - Piter USA - New-York - Boston If I click Boston, I get first event for the USA and then for Boston. So, I can't distinguish the cases:

  1. when user clicks on USA
  2. when user click on Boston and I just get the first part of tunneling event

In TreeViewItem_OnMouseDown I need to know the TreeViewItem which user clicked on.

Could you advice me, how I can determine the TreeViewItem which user clicked on in TreeViewItem_OnMouseDown? Again, if I just check a sender. It maybe USA, but actually user clicked on Boston. So I need to realize that it was Boston.

are you binding the SelectedItem of treeview to any property?Nitin
Your XAML specifies PreviewKeyDown but your description refers to OnMouseDown. Did you really mean for your XAML to be <EventSetter Event="PreviewMouseDown" Handler="TreeViewItem_OnMouseDown" />?blins
blins, oh, sorry, yea. I copied the wrong part. The correct one is: <EventSetter Event="PreviewMouseDown" Handler="TreeViewItem_OnMouseDown" />Oleg Ignatov
nit, no, I am not. I just bound IsSelected property for treeviewitem to my vm.Oleg Ignatov

1 Answers


Well this is just a rough example but you could potentially handle it something like this from code behind.


<TreeView ...>
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type TreeViewItem}">
            <EventSetter Event="PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown" Handler="treeViewItem_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown" />

Some Helper Methods

public static T GetFirstAncestorOfType<T>(DependencyObject source) where T : class
    while (source != null && !(source is T))
        source = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(source);
    return source as T;

public static MessageBoxResult DoYouAgreeToMoveToAnotherItem()
    return MessageBox.Show("Select a different item?", "Select?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);

Code Behind

private TreeViewItem _selectedItem = null;

void treeViewItem_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    TreeViewItem tvi = GetFirstAncestorOfType<TreeViewItem>(e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject);

    if (_selectedItem != null &&
        tvi != null &&
        tvi != _selectedItem &&
        MessageBoxResult.Yes != DoYouAgreeToMoveToAnotherItem())
        e.Handled = true;
        // Update _selectedItem for comparison the next time this method fires.
        _selectedItem = tvi;
        if(_selectedItem != null)
            _selectedItem.IsSelected = true;

You could also likely accomplish this with pure MVVM. I don't have time to post an example using TreeView but the solution might involve using Dispatcher something like the solutions offered here...

WPF: Cancel a user selection in a databound ListBox?