I have some problems with the transformation of a matrix and the names of the rows and columns.
My problem is as follows:
As input-matrix I have a (symmetric) correlation matrix like this one:
The correlation-vector is given by the values of the lower triangular matrix:
Now, I want to compute the variance-covariance-matrix of the these correlations, which are approximately normally distributed with the variance-covariance-matrix:
The variances can be approximated by
-> N is the sample size (in this example N = 66)
The covariances can be approximated by
For example the covariance between r_02 and r_13 is given by
Now, I want to define a function in R which gets the correlation matrix as input and returns the variance-covariance matrix. However, I have problems to implement the calculation of the covariances. My idea is to give names to the elements of the correlation_vector as shown above (r_01, r_02...). Then I want to create the empty variance-cocariance matrix, which has the length of the correlation_vector. The rows and the columns should have the same names as the correlation_vector, so I can call them for example by [01][03]. Then I want to implement a for-loop which sets the value of i and j as well as k and l as shown in the formula for the covariance to the columns and rows of the correlations that I need as input for the covariance-formula. These must always be six different values (ij; ik; il; jk; jl; lk). This is my idea, but I don't now how to implement this in R.
This is my code (without the calculation of the covariances):
correlation_matrix_input <- matrix(data=c(1.00,0.561,0.393,0.561,0.561,1.00,0.286,0.549,0.393,0.286,1.00,0.286,0.561,0.549,0.286,1.00),ncol=4,byrow=T)
N <- 66 # Sample Size
vector_of_correlations <- sm2vec(correlation_matrix_input, diag=F) # lower triangular matrix of correlation_matrix_input
variance_covariance_matrix <- matrix(nrow = length(vector_of_correlations), ncol = length(vector_of_correlations)) # creates the empty variance-covariance matrix
# function to fill the matrix by calculating the variance and the covariances
variances_covariances <- function(vector_of_correlations_input, sample_size) {
for (i in (seq(along = vector_of_correlations_input))) {
for (j in (seq(along = vector_of_correlations_input))) {
# calculate the variances for the diagonale
if (i == j) {
variance_covariance_matrix[i,j] = ((1-vector_of_correlations_input[i]**2)**2)/sample_size
# calculate the covariances
if (i != j) {
variance_covariance_matrix[i,j] = ???
Does anyone have an idea, how to implement the calculation of the covariances using the formula shown above?
I would be grateful for any kind of help regarding this problem!!!
? I do not see where it is defined. – Mark Miller