
I am updating a couple of projects to sbt 0.13. I am using IntelliJ IDEA 12 (not interested in EAP 13 at this moment). I am using the sbt plugin by orfjackal. By default it uses an sbt-launch.jar bundled with IDEA. At least the settings claim that. That has version 0.12 and cannot be launched now because of some JLine incompatibility.

If I go to Settings -> Project Settings -> SBT -> IDE Settings, and specify the 0.13 launcher as custom jar, it works while IntelliJ is open. But the settings are lost when I quit and restart IntelliJ.

So my new idea is to try to replace the bundled sbt-launch.jar. If I open the app bundle (OS X) and search for that name, nothing shows up.

Where is the bundled sbt-launch.jar and how can I swap it?


1 Answers


I believe that SBT jar is located inside your configuration directory. Usually it is something like ~/.IntelliJIdea12, so simple search in this directory gave ~/.IntelliJIdea12/system/sbt/sbt-launch.jar. Try replacing it.

BTW, there is currently a new official SBT plugin being developed by JetBrains. It really is great and simplified SBT usage inside IDEA a lot (esp. dependency management), but it does not have embedded console yet (it will, soon). You can try it out even in 12.X IDEA.