
I have a scala sbt project. When I open a terminal in intellij and do sbt sbtVersion, I see 0.13.8. I want to use my own local install that is 0.13.5. When I open up a new command prompt, I see that the sbt version is 0.13.5, but in the IntelliJ terminal, it keeps saying 0.13.8 even though I configured my "Settings->SBT" to point to a custom "sbt-launch.jar" instead of bundled. How to I get IntelliJ to use my "older version" of SBT?

My main problem I am getting is this:

Server access Error: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I heard that SBT 0.13.5 is the version to use, but I am having trouble telling IntelliJ to use it.


1 Answers


As shown in the screenshot it is under

Preferences | Build,Execution,Deployment | Build Tools | SBT .

In that dialog it is the last option under

Launcher (sbt-launch.jar)

enter image description here