I'm working on application that has several modules. Each module consists of one controller, modules/stores and a number of views which use these stores. So I decided to create main controller and one navigation view. When user changes the section of application the corresponding controller is loaded.
This is the source code of my main controller:
Ext.define('My.controller.Navigation', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
views: ['layout.Navbar'],
_loadedControllers: [],
init: function() {
var me = this;
'navbar > tabpanel': {
tabchange: me.handleNavChange
handleNavChange: function(tabPanel, newCard, oldCard, eOpts) {
var app = My.getApplication(),
container = app.getContainerPanel(),
components = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('viewport > panel > panel:not([cls~=bpte-layout])'),
name = this.formatControllerName(newCard.itemId),
//Remove initialized widgets:
for(; i < components.length; i++) {
container.remove( components[i], true );
//Load and initialize controller:
controller = app.getController(name);
formatControllerName: function(id) {
return id.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + id.substr(1).toLowerCase();
isControllerLoaded: function(name) {
for(var i=0; i < this._loadedControllers.length; i++) {
if(this._loadedControllers[i] == name)
return true;
return false;
addLoadedController: function(name) {
And this is the abstract source code of my controllers:
Ext.define('My.controller.ControllerX', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
stores: ['Store#1','Store#2'],
views: ['Widget#1','Widget#2','Widget#3'],
init: function() {
var container = My.getApplication().getContainerPanel();
container.add( Ext.widget('Widget#1') );
container.add( Ext.widget('Widget#2') );
this.control({ ... });
Everything works fine when I load child controllers for the first time. But when I navigate to the same child controller once again I have the problems with Stores. Stores act as like they are duplicated. For example when I add new model in the store and then sync the store, it adds two models instead of one and send them both to the server.
What am I doing wrong?