As part of a macro, I want to manipulate the case definitions of a partial function.
To do so, I use a Transformer to manipulate the case definitions of the partial function and a Traverser to inspect the patterns of the case definitions:
def myMatchImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag, B: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)
(expr: c.Expr[A])(patterns: c.Expr[PartialFunction[A, B]]): c.Expr[B] = {
import c.universe._
val transformer = new Transformer {
override def transformCaseDefs(trees: List[CaseDef]) = trees map {
case caseDef @ CaseDef(pattern, guard , body) => {
// println(show(pattern))
val traverser = new Traverser {
override def traverse(tree: Tree) = tree match {
// match against a specific pattern
val transformedPartialFunction = transformer.transform(patterns.tree)
Now let us assume, the interesting data I want to match against is represented by the class Data (which is part of the object Example):
case class Data(x: Int, y: String)
When now invoking the macro on the example below
abstract class Foo
case class Bar(data: Data) extends Foo
case class Baz(string: String, data: Data) extends Foo
def test(foo: Foo) = myMatch(foo){
case Bar(Data(x,y)) => y
case Baz(_, Data(x,y)) => y
the patterns of the case definitions of the partial function are transformed by the compiler as following (the Foo, Bar, and Baz classes are members of the object Example, too):
(data: Example.Data)Example.Bar((x: Int, y: String)Example.Data((x @ _), (y @ _)))
(string: String, data: Example.Data)Example.Baz(_, (x: Int, y: String)Example.Data((x @ _), (y @ _)))
This is the result of printing the patterns as hinted in the macro above (using show), the raw abstract syntax trees (printed using showRaw) look like this:
Apply(TypeTree().setOriginal(Select(This(newTypeName("Example")), Example.Bar)), List(Apply(TypeTree().setOriginal(Select(This(newTypeName("Example")), Example.Data)), List(Bind(newTermName("x"), Ident(nme.WILDCARD)), Bind(newTermName("y"), Ident(nme.WILDCARD))))))
Apply(TypeTree().setOriginal(Select(This(newTypeName("Example")), Example.Baz)), List(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), Apply(TypeTree().setOriginal(Select(This(newTypeName("Example")), Example.Data)), List(Bind(newTermName("x"), Ident(nme.WILDCARD)), Bind(newTermName("y"), Ident(nme.WILDCARD))))))
How do I write a pattern-quote which matches against these trees?
, it will show you the exact structure of the tree (not just code-like representation). – ghikshawRaw
to the question. Unfortunately, this doesn't help much either, since I don't know how to write a pattern for such a tree. I updated the question accordingly. – Martin Zuber