In migrating to Play 2.5, I am adopting the dependency injection design patterns, including for (JDBC) database access.
At a class level, I understand the concept:
class Users @Inject() (db: Database)
But I have not yet seen a discussion of how this might apply when you require database access within methods of a case class and companion object pattern. An example basic model being:
package models
import anorm._
import anorm.SqlParser._
import javax.inject._
import play.api.db._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.json._
case class User @Inject() (db: Database) (
id: Option[Long] = None,
email: String
) {
def save = { { id => User.findById(id) } match {
case None => create
case _ => update
def create = db.withConnection { implicit conn =>
"""INSERT INTO users (email) VALUES ({email})"""
'email -> email
def update = ...
object User {
val simple = {
get[Option[Long]]("id") ~
get[String]("email") map {
case id ~ email =>
User(id, email)
def findById(id: Long) = db.withConnection { implicit conn =>
SQL("""SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = {id}""").on('id -> id).as(User.simple.singleOpt)
This changes the signature of the case class (making it unusable within val simple = { ... }
), and I can't figure out how to inject/access the db in the companion object. Trying @Inject() var db: Database _
within the object results in a world of NullPointerExceptions that I'd like to avoid.
What is the recommended design pattern for this common use case in a world of dependency injection?