
I'm trying to display the value of a cell according to my ActiveCell or Target Cell using a Function. The cell I'm trying to display is in the same spreadsheet.

My objective is to create a Header in the spreadsheet that would display information according to the position of the Active cell.

I've tried this code and typed the function =VendorName5() in the cell where I want the value to be displayed but it seems to be missing something. Can you help ?

Function VendorName5() As String

Name = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -4)

       VendorName5 = Name

End Function

OK, found it:

"Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

If Target.Column = 8 Then Range("C2") = Cells(Target.Row, 2) End If

End Sub"

tks for the help

Is this code in the Worksheet code module? Also, I'm assuming this is VBA, not VB.net.David Zemens
Yes it's in the module. yes it's VBAPatrick Brunet
I don't think you can use ActiveCell during a UDF as part of a worksheet function. What's your end goal here? If you just want to know the value of a cell 4 columns to the left then you could, for example, put =A1 in cell E1tigeravatar
This works for me if i put the code in an ordinary code module, but does not work if I put it in the worksheet code module. Excel 2010.David Zemens
Also if you really indeed it to be a dynamic function baseon the ActiveCell this should be fine using the Worksheet_Change () event.David Zemens

2 Answers


This is VBA not VB.NET

Try .Value of Cell

Function VendorName5() As String

    Name = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -4).Value

    VendorName5 = Name

End Function

Why not use the Offset function:

In cell A1:


Or, refer to the cell directly:



This seems overkill to use a UDF to do something that worksheet functions ordinarily allow for, already.