
If ((Asc(ActiveCell) > 65 And Asc(ActiveCell) < 95) Or (Asc(ActiveCell) > 97 And Asc(ActiveCell) < 122)) Then 'If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsText(ActiveCell) Then 'If ((Asc(ActiveCell) < 65 And Asc(ActiveCell)) > 90 Or (Asc(ActiveCell) < 97 And Asc(ActiveCell) > 122)) Then Else FnameTextOnly.Add ActiveCell.Address(False, False) End If ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select End If this is code is working properly when the value of cell e.g:12as,@#$%,1234 but if i enter data e.g:asd34 then it should not accept but its accepting because the name starts with text.

Please describe exactly what you want to test for, what's valid, what's not and why.Alex K.
first name(fname) must contain only aplhabets if not i am priniting cell address which are having wrong dataRajani Rampelli
So anything that's not comprised solely of A-Z/a-z is invalid?Alex K.

2 Answers


Here is one way to test the ActiveCell

Sub CellText()
    Dim CH As String, v As String
    v = ActiveCell.Text
    For i = 1 To Len(v)
        CH = Mid(v, i, 1)
        If CH Like "[a-zA-Z]" Then
            MsgBox v & " is not valid"
            Exit Sub
        End If
    Next i
MsgBox v & " is valid"
End Sub

Try adding an If statement for ISTEXT (cell reference) to your routine. In this way, ISTEXT (asd34) = False. After qualifying true or false branch accordingly.