I have a code line that's throwing an
Oracle Exception - ORA-00911: invalid character
when trying the following C# code:
double tempDateTimeObj = Convert.ToDouble(someClass.GetTime(tempObjID, objStartTime, todayTime).Rows[0][0]);
GetTime is a function that makes an SQL call that takes in the variables you see above, and the SQL call OUTs a Oracle number type and then the GetTime C# function returns a DataTableCollection Tables
object of one row each time.
public static DataTable GetTime(string tempObjID, DateTime objStartTime, DateTime todayTime)
string sql = "select some_pkg.get_time('" + tempObjID + "', to_date('" + objStartTime + "', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss am'), to_date('" + todayTime + "', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss am')) from dual;";
return <connection object>.getDS(sql).Tables[0];
If I debug, grab the sql string having values for the variables, and throw it into Oracle SQL Developer, it works just fine and returns a number in the SQL Dev console. However when I debug and come across that line, the C# code throws the 00911 exception. Since the string sql has been tested in Oracle SQL Dev, the syntax should be valid. Given valid syntax, why is VS2010 throwing this error/exception?
EDIT: Here is a sample string of what's being built in C# and sent to the DB:
select some_pkg.get_time('23569245', to_date('11/8/2012 1:21:06 PM', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss am'), to_date('12/31/2012 12:52:18 AM', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss am')) from dual
Having a semi-colon and not having semi-colon in the C# string have been tried and resulted in the same Oracle exception despite both working in Oracle SQL Dev
why not create a stored procedure and use parameterized query – MethodMan