In my application we have multi-lingual language strings which are stored in custom tables, as the user can edit, delete, import new languages etc... via a UI
Currently, what I'm doing is at the beginning of each request is. I'm going off and getting all the language strings (From our database) for the currently selected language and sticking them in a dictionary.
I then have a Html Helper extension method which I use in the razor views (See below), which fishes in the dictionary I got at the beginning of the request to pull out the correct language based on the key supplied in the helper.
Now this works fine. However, as the application is getting bigger. We are getting more and more language strings. It's not an issue right now, as its still very fast as there are only around 200 strings to get.
But this also means I'm getting all of them, even if a page has say one on it. I'd ideally like a way of processing the LanguageString("")'s before hand and doing a query to just get those that are needed at the beginning of the request? Or maybe my own linq based language that can be processed and product a more efficient call.
I'm looking for some advice on how to do this. As I'd like the application to be as efficient as possible. Any advice, help, tips are greatly received. Thanks.